

Serving the Greater Wilmington, NC Business Community

                                     JEAN MCALLISTER, CPA, PHR

Jean McAllister - JEM Business Services jean@jembusinessservices.com

I have spent years managing finance, accounting, and human resource functions in small and medium-size companies. In these positions, only a portion of time was actually spent performing executive level work; the rest could have been performed by strong, professional-level employees often at a lower cost.  

Growing companies need executive-level thinking, but do they need to employ a full-time executive to get it?  

I can help you strengthen your company and stretch your payroll dollars by providing strategic and meaningful Financial and HR services when your company needs them. 

Let’s discuss your company’s situation and how to move forward.  Contact me today. 


3 Responses to About

  1. Roxanne says:

    Just wondering if someone can help me to understand Capital Investments. I have a background in accounting but I don’t know all the details, I’ve tried researching online but all I get is a definition. I just want to know how it works. I have a small shoe business that I have bought inventory for. I have recorded it as Capital Investment. Is that right? If so, do I get paid back?

    • Hi Roxanne,
      The Capital Investment account isan asset account used when you purchase an investment that you expect to get a return on, such as money invested in another business venture, another company’s stock, an investment fund, etc. Inventory is an operating asset, an asset that is used to generate income as part of your normal operations. Normally you would debit the Inventory account when you purchase the shoe inventory. Your offsetting account to credit would be Cash if you paid with the store’s funds, Accounts Payable if you received an invoice from the vendor and are paying on terms, or Owners Equity if you purchased the inventory with your personal funds to get the store started. Hope that helps!
      Jean McAllister – http://www.jembusinessservices.com

  2. Roxanne says:

    Thank you so much, that did help!

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